Monday, February 14, 2011

A reason to smile

Unwanted tears fill my eyes
I just needed to sit and cry
but then
I turn around slowly
thinking how all this while
even when engulfed by untold sorrow
you managed to make me smile :)


  1. very sweet and heart felt :)

  2. How does it matter?
    The tears i cleaned,
    made me cry later.

    I healed you,
    but time and you screwed me in the hindsight,
    I still wish you are happy and
    would come back right into my arms.

    No more mindspace to reply, will do later after your comments.. may be.. God bless you.. Nice poem.. Good work. I always knew and told you, anyone could be a poet.

  3. Awww, that's sweet. At least there is someone who makes you smile.

    Stay blessed.

  4. Always treasure this someone who made you smile! such people are rare :)

  5. short one, and its not humor and it rhymes! Dubeyji ko kya ho gaya?

  6. :0 shweet
    beautifully written :)

  7. yayy :) awesome few lines:)
